Alþingi - Svartur HEFÐBUNDINN + Verönd

1.790.000 ISK
Tax included.
Color: Svartur
Stíll: Hefðbundinn

Hágæða úti-saunaklefi frá Eistlandi. Hannaður fyrir íslenskar aðstæður.



ALÞINGI saunaklefinn kemur með stórum gluggum og glerhurð, allt að framan. Svo kemur klefinn með æðislegu sætaskipulagi fyrir mikilvægar umræður. Flísalagður með niðurfalli, fagmannlega gengið frá. 

Fæst í þremur litum: Svartur, Brúnn og Hvítur.

Frábær fjárfesting í heilsu, vellíðan og gæðastundum með fjölskyldu og vinum.

Yndisleg saunaupplifun.

Tæknilegar upplýsingar: ALÞINGI Saunaklefi
Hæð: 235cm Lofthæð inn í klefa: 
Lengd: 220cm Þyngd: 

Breidd: 165cm

Sauna, fm:

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Let your body sweat.

Color: Svartur
Stíll: Hefðbundinn

Product information

Outdoor cabin, Estonian production. 🇪🇪

- Assembled and ready to use.

1. Heater: 4.5kw Harvia sauna heater from Finland. 🇫🇮

2. Voting system; fresh air in to the heater and air out by the bench. The opening can be adjusted manually.

3. Insulation: Thick sauna insulation + cavity for ventilation. This cell doesn't work! 🪵

- Heat resistant THERMO aspen light brown lining inside.

The cabin is assembled and ready to move! 🚚

You can take a transfer through us or on your own.

Through us: We bring the cabin to your home with a crane. 🏗️ Note there is an additional cost that is added.

💌 Contact us in the online chat for the price of transportation, state your address/municipality and conditions.

Your own way: You organize the transport. We can shuttle the cell to station for you. (free)

You take care of the rest.

The MINISAUN cells tick all the boxes:

1. No time to warm up!

2. Voting system; fresh oxygen and a good experience. 🌬️

3. High quality insulation; e insulation that keeps heat well + lining that breathes (doesn't flake) .♨️

The ventilation system in the cabin allows for a large heater that heats up the cabin quickly + fresh oxygen while you are in it. Creates an exceptionally good sauna experience. 🧘🏼‍♀️